Business English 2

Motivation Letter

Selection Committee of University of Denver,

My name is Ribut Ocktafiani. I am writing this letter to apply for the Information and Communications Technology master’s degree program in University of Denver. Currently, I am in my senior year at Gunadarma University, expected to graduate in this semester with a degree in information system.

I have a high interest in the field of web development, but my current course doesn’t specialize to only said field. In the meantime, I am writing my bachelor’s thesis with text mining using web development as the topic to hone my skills in the field.

As an assistant at the institute of computerized development, integrated with Gunadarma University, for two years worth of experience, I was trained to apply the theoretical knowledge I got from classes into an applicable computerized environment, to support e-learning system in my university.

It is my goal to ultimately become a web developer. Thus, I am interested in gaining deeper and more skilled knowledge about the subject by applying myself to be specialized in Web Design and Development master’s program at University of Denver.

As one of the university that is ranked in the top 50 in best online graduate information technology programs, and a student-centered research university, the University of Denver is my ultimate choice to continue my study. I am highly enthusiast with the system that the university implements, which uses communities to incorporate real-world learning, and connecting students with the professional environment striven toward after graduation, which in my opinion is an astounding way to support students.

I hope you will consider my application. Please let me know if you have any question for me or if I can be of assistance in any way. I have attached my resume for further information. I am looking forward to your positive response.

Ribut Ocktafiani.

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